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C Is For Camp

In my last post I:
1. Told you that I’d most likely be writing at least one more post about the retreat I was a leader on this weekend.
2. Introduced you to the spiritual autobiography that I had to write as an undergrad. (Remember my Q??)
In this blog, I am going to share another letter from my autobiography that God reminded me of this weekend on retreat; My “C” happened to be camp:
C is for Camp, and the power it has to draw one to God. Virtually every year of my life I have attended some kind of camp or retreat. From sleep-away horse camp in elementary school to High School camp in California with my church youth group, my weeks spent at camp always reflected a similar theme. They were always a reminder to me of the importance of getting away with God and the power of meditation. Even as second graders we were required to spend time called DOS—Discipline of Silence—on the last night of camp. Taking time to meditate on your heart’s deepest desires and unashamedly asking God your most earnest questions, generates very powerful moments. The atmosphere that camp offers—away from the normal daily grind, usually in some beautiful part of nature—is often what it takes to spend time patiently listening for God’s whisper. My most vivid memories of camp are those moments in which God met me in my meditation and whispered truths into my life that I desperately needed to hear. C is for Camp, where God never failed to draw me closer to Him."
Isn’t there something awesome about retreating from life and meditating on God? Anyone? God is always with us. He is always present. But I think We become MORE present to Him when we get away and become LESS present to everything else in our lives. I think everyone should go on at least one retreat a year (maybe five). Even if it is a self initiated retreat. Go to the mountains, beach, or even a farm somewhere people!! Spend some time focusing on God and tell me if He doesn’t meet you there.
Here are some pictures from our retreat:
Welcome to Watermarks camp folks.

Meet Mocha, the camp puppy who I almost brought home with me.

Yes, she survived this. And she claimed the title of highest blob of the weekend.

Let the obstacle course begin.

Portico's best.

1 comment:

  1. congratulations you did it! Worlds best cup of coffee!!! ok i feel silly for having told you to write about C for camp, you already had, but I had not seen it yet! I love your posts and am more and more proud to be your sister.


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