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comments on being married, month nine

adam and i got married at a place called the haven. it's an old church that has been turned into a homeless ministry. the educational buildings serve as a homeless shelter and the beautiful sanctuary hosts concerts and events (from which the proceeds help fund the shelter.)

i love what the haven does for the homeless in cville. 

and i love what its name stood for the day we got married there.

the thing i've experienced the most in this ninth month of marriage is this: God is our ultimate haven. but a God-centered marriage also serves as a kind of haven. it's one of my favorite things about being married. what a gift it is to have someone to crash into when most of life is uncertain. someone to always help you make decisions. someone who will defend you. someone who is just always, there. and safe. oh, and who loves you.

i love that the day i was turned down from a job, adam was as proud of me as ever. i love that friday, when i was offered a job, he was as proud of me as the day i was turned down.

i love that the day the house we loved was purchased by someone else, he assured me we'd find another one. i love that saturday when our offer was accepted on "another one" he assured me that we are taking the right step, even though it is scary.

in month nine i've been so grateful for the haven-ness of marriage. the shelter of love that God covers us with, and the shelter he has created for us in one another.

and today, i'm especially grateful for the new physical shelter he's blessing us with. more on this (exciting!) news soon.

ps, photos by eric kelley photography.


  1. you put marriage into words so perfectly, elise. we're in (almost) month 6, and haven is the PERFECT description. so blessed by your words today!

  2. thanks molly. i'm glad you are experiencing similar things in your first year of marriage too! it's so hard to explain it sometimes and it always makes me emotional trying, haha. it's just such a beautiful thing isn't it!


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