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day three: for my big.

i’m grateful that growing up, i had an older sister. well, i still have her, and i'm still thankful. but when i think about things like learning to make friends, shave, use deodorant, curl my hair, dance, adjust to college, and prepare for my wedding night…i’m just not sure who i would have turned to for those things if there hadn’t been, her.

and even before all that—what would i have done if i’d had to sleep in my own bed rather than sharing hers every night when i was too afraid of my own room? and if she hadn’t let me bring all of my stuffed animals with me--significantly compromising her space and comfort? and if she had kicked me out when i kicked her in my sleep all night?

luckily, i’ll never have to know.  

and that, is something to be thankful for.

here's a quick story that sums up why i'm so stinking thankful for her: one night my freshman year at UVA i was feeling really homesick. so i called my sister and asked if she would come to cville and take me to the grocery store (i had no car). so she finished class and drove an hour to cville to take me to the store. when we got to harris teeter, i couldn’t really think of anything i needed. so i grabbed a box of water bottles and told her i was ready to go. it was probably then that she realized she'd come all that way just because i needed her to. and you know what, she’d have come even if she knew all i needed was my sister. 

and no groceries. or water.

do you have an older sister? or a sister at all? can you imagine what life would have been like without your siblings? i can't imagine my childhood without them. gosh, so thankful!


  1. this is the sweetest thing ever. i have an older sister that i feel the same way about! love that story!

    1. thanks girl. what is it about sisters that can make you so sentimental? they are just the best!


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